TelehealthLink™ Asthma monitoring package consists of a peak flow meter,
communication gateway, and asthma processing software on TelehealthLink™
servers. It is a simple, easy and inexpensive approach that allows healthcare
providers and family members to remotely monitor patients’ lung functions.
Asthma occurs when the main air passages of your lungs, the bronchial tubes,
become inflamed. The muscles of the bronchial walls tighten, and cells in the
lungs produce extra mucus further narrowing your airways. This can cause minor
wheezing to severe difficulty in breathing. In some cases, your breathing may
be so labored that an asthma attack becomes life-threatening.
Diagnosing asthma can be difficult. Signs and symptoms can range from mild to
very severe and are often similar to those of other conditions, including
emphysema, early congestive heart failure or vocal cord problems.
In order to rule out these and other possible conditions, your doctor will
likely use several tests to arrive at a diagnosis. In most cases you'll be
asked to give a complete medical history and have a physical exam. You may also
be given lung (pulmonary) function tests to determine how much air moves in and
out as you breathe.
The two most common tools to measure lung function are:
Spirometer - A spirometer is used by a medical professional to measure
narrowing of your bronchial tubes. This device measures the volume of air you
can exhale after you've taken a deep breath. A spirometer also shows how
quickly you can get air out of your lungs.
Peak flow meter - A peak flow meter can be used at home to help detect
subtle increases in airway obstruction before you notice symptoms. If the
readings are lower than usual, it's a sign your asthma may be about to flare
up. Your doctor can give you instructions on how to deal with low readings
Asthma is a chronic but treatable condition. You can manage your condition much
like someone manages diabetes or heart disease. You and your doctor can work
together to control asthma, reduce the severity and frequency of attacks and
help maintain a normal, active life.
Asthma is a chronic but treatable condition. You can manage your condition much
like someone manages diabetes or heart disease. Using TelehealthLink™ Asthma
monitoring package, you and your doctor can work together to control asthma,
reduce the severity and frequency of attacks and help maintain a normal, active
The following web pages provide additional information on Diabetes:
National heart Lung and Blood Institute - What Is Asthma?
Mayo Clinic – Asthma – Asthma
Family Doctor - Asthma: Learning to Control Your Symptoms